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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Into the Woods -- Part 3 of my first foray into the Burned Woods

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As I continued exploring, more vistas of desolation opened up before me.

I encountered groups of five Kindlings. The group only dropped one small chest, not five.

The only other regular mob I encountered was a toasty bark mob. The instance only has four different regular mobs.

  • burned wood
  • smoldering toad
  • kindling
  • toasty bark

I encountered another named on my list: Burnt Reynolds.

I hadn't realized it before, but these named mobs were Epics x 4!

Burnt Reynolds had a special attack.

Defeating him got me:

There was only one named left on my kill list: Enfuego.

I had cleared the entire zone, except for a tower.

I flew over the tower, and saw a group of kindling.

I landed on the tower to engage the kindling, and was immediately attacked by Enfuego!

I don't know where he came from, perhaps from inside the tower? He was big, and right in my face. I couldn't get a screenshot in the limited space on top of the tower, so I jumped down to the ground. 

Killing him got me: 

Enfuego was the last one on my list, but there was one more confrontation. The final boss appeared near the zone-in portal.

Ixiblat Fer!

No, I am not swearing at you in Aztec, that is his name.

I died fighting him.

I revived in the forlorn little cemetery next to the zone-in portal. While I was licking my wounds I geared up in the four new pieces of armor from this zone.

Then I went in for round two -- and won!

For my final reward I received:
With an orange adorn:

Overall, a very fun and exciting excursion, not to mention beneficial!

I don't know if I will ever get another burnt key so I can do it again on another character, but I will keep hoping that I do!

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